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Sorted tuples from cartesian product of lists

I have dictionary of lists, like so:

D = {'x': [15, 20],
     'y': [11, 12, 14, 16, 19],
     'z': [7, 9, 17, 18]}

I want to take the keys 3 at a time (I'll use itertools.permutations ), and then count all the ways that I can take one element from each list and have the result be sorted.

For the three keys shown above, I would get 2:

(15, 16, 17)
(15, 16, 18)

Clearly, I can do the Cartesian product of the dictionary values and then count the ones that are sorted:

answer = 0
for v_x, v_y, v_z in product(D['x'], D['y'], D['z']):
    if v_x < v_y < v_z:
        answer += 1

Can I do better, though? This solution doesn't scale for the number of keys and the length of the lists that are values. I have tried a few fruitless lines of inquiry, but I suspect that I may have to take advantage of how the keys map to the list values. However, I thought it would be worthwhile to see if there's a solution I can use without re-doing the rest of the program.

ETA: Here's a larger example.

D = {'a': [15, 20],
     'b': [8],
     'c': [11, 12, 14, 16, 19],
     'd': [7, 9, 17, 18],
     'e': [3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13],
     'f': [2],
     'g': [1]}

There are 14 valid answers:

(8, 9, 10)  (8, 9, 13) (8, 11, 13) (8, 12, 13) (8, 11, 17) (8, 11, 18) (8, 12, 17) (8, 12, 18) (8, 14, 17) (8, 14, 18) (8, 16, 17) (8, 16, 18) (15, 16, 17) (15, 16, 18)

You can do this in a smart way - for each existing list, map each number within it to the count in the next list of numbers larger than it. Once you have these counts, judicious summation of products should get you the count you need.

Here's an example of how you would get the counts:

D = {'x': [15, 20],
     'y': [11, 12, 14, 16, 19],
     'z': [7, 9, 17, 18]}

order = ['x', 'y', 'z']
pairs = zip(order[:-1], order[1:])

counts = dict()
for pair in pairs:
    counts[pair[0]] = dict()
    for num in D[pair[0]]:
        counts[pair[0]][num] = len([el for el in D[pair[1]] if el >= num])

EDIT following OP's edit to the question for a clearer problem:

You will need to construct a dynamic programming solution to this problem (I am assuming you have some background with DP algorithms ; if not, please take a look at a few). Suppose your original dictionary has n keys. Then you need three dictionaries of length n each, say M1 , M2 , and M3 . For each key and number, M3[key][number] will store the number of ways that number can be the third element of a tuple (this will be identically 1). M2[key][number] will be the number of ways that number can be the second element of a tuple (this will have to be dynamically constructed backwards from M3 ), and M1[key][number] will be the number of ways number can be the first element of a tuple. M1 will have to be constructed from M2 . Your final solution will be the sum of elements in M1 . I will leave the update rules and initializations of M1 , M2 , and M3 to you.

For example, to fill in the entry in M1[key][number] suppose downkeys is the set of keys that come after key . For each downkey you would look at entries of M2[downkey] and sum up the values of M2[downkey][num2] where num2 is larger than number . Adding all such numbers for all downkey s will give you the entry for M1[key][number] . So this gives you a hint as to the order in which you have to update the rows of M1 and M2 .

If you're thinking this is a lot of work - well, it is, but it's still polynomial, not exponential like the Cartesian product is going to be. Even the Cartesian product way - you'll have to first find all possible combinations of 3 of n lists, then take the product, then filter them. That's extremely expensive. The dynamic programming solution reuses the information from each step rather than recomputing it each time.

In the examples you've given all your dictionary lists are pre sorted, so you can do some sorting yourself before calling itertools.product to reduce the number of enumerations:

def count_sorted(x,y,z):
    from itertools import ifilter, product, imap

    _x = ifilter(lambda k: k<z[-1],x)
    _y = ifilter(lambda k: x[0]<k<z[-1],y)
    _z = ifilter(lambda k: k > x[0],z)

    return sum(imap(lambda t: t[0]<t[1]<t[2], product(_x,_y,_z)))

D = {'a': [15, 20],
     'b': [8],
     'c': [11, 12, 14, 16, 19],
     'd': [7, 9, 17, 18],
     'e': [3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13],
     'f': [2],
     'g': [1]}

for key1,key2,key3 in itertools.permutations(D.keys(),3):
    print '[%s, %s, %s] has %i sorted combinations'%(key1,key2,key3,count_sorted(D[key1],D[key2],D[key3]))


[a, c, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, c, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, c, d] has 2 sorted combinations
[a, c, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, c, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, b, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, b, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, b, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, b, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, b, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, e, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, e, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, e, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, e, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, e, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, d, c] has 2 sorted combinations
[a, d, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, d, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, d, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, d, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, g, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, g, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, g, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, g, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, g, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, f, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, f, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, f, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, f, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[a, f, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, a, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, a, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, a, d] has 6 sorted combinations
[c, a, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, a, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, b, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, b, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, b, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, b, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, b, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, e, a] has 4 sorted combinations
[c, e, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, e, d] has 4 sorted combinations
[c, e, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, e, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, d, a] has 8 sorted combinations
[c, d, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, d, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, d, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, d, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, g, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, g, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, g, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, g, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, g, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, f, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, f, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, f, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, f, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[c, f, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, a, c] has 2 sorted combinations
[b, a, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, a, d] has 2 sorted combinations
[b, a, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, a, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, c, a] has 8 sorted combinations
[b, c, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[b, c, d] has 8 sorted combinations
[b, c, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, c, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, e, a] has 4 sorted combinations
[b, e, c] has 8 sorted combinations
[b, e, d] has 4 sorted combinations
[b, e, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, e, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, d, a] has 4 sorted combinations
[b, d, c] has 7 sorted combinations
[b, d, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[b, d, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, d, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, g, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, g, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, g, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, g, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, g, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, f, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, f, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, f, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, f, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[b, f, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, a, c] has 12 sorted combinations
[e, a, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, a, d] has 12 sorted combinations
[e, a, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, a, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, c, a] has 44 sorted combinations
[e, c, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, c, d] has 44 sorted combinations
[e, c, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, c, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, b, a] has 8 sorted combinations
[e, b, c] has 20 sorted combinations
[e, b, d] has 12 sorted combinations
[e, b, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, b, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, d, a] has 28 sorted combinations
[e, d, c] has 52 sorted combinations
[e, d, b] has 4 sorted combinations
[e, d, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, d, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, g, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, g, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, g, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, g, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, g, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, f, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, f, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, f, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, f, d] has 0 sorted combinations
[e, f, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, a, c] has 4 sorted combinations
[d, a, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, a, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, a, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, a, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, c, a] has 18 sorted combinations
[d, c, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, c, e] has 4 sorted combinations
[d, c, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, c, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, b, a] has 2 sorted combinations
[d, b, c] has 5 sorted combinations
[d, b, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[d, b, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, b, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, e, a] has 8 sorted combinations
[d, e, c] has 16 sorted combinations
[d, e, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, e, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, e, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, g, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, g, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, g, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, g, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, g, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, f, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, f, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, f, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, f, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[d, f, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, a, c] has 2 sorted combinations
[g, a, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, a, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, a, d] has 2 sorted combinations
[g, a, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, c, a] has 8 sorted combinations
[g, c, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, c, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[g, c, d] has 8 sorted combinations
[g, c, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, b, a] has 2 sorted combinations
[g, b, c] has 5 sorted combinations
[g, b, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[g, b, d] has 3 sorted combinations
[g, b, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, e, a] has 12 sorted combinations
[g, e, c] has 28 sorted combinations
[g, e, b] has 4 sorted combinations
[g, e, d] has 20 sorted combinations
[g, e, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, d, a] has 6 sorted combinations
[g, d, c] has 12 sorted combinations
[g, d, b] has 1 sorted combinations
[g, d, e] has 4 sorted combinations
[g, d, f] has 0 sorted combinations
[g, f, a] has 2 sorted combinations
[g, f, c] has 5 sorted combinations
[g, f, b] has 1 sorted combinations
[g, f, e] has 6 sorted combinations
[g, f, d] has 4 sorted combinations
[f, a, c] has 2 sorted combinations
[f, a, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, a, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, a, d] has 2 sorted combinations
[f, a, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, c, a] has 8 sorted combinations
[f, c, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, c, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[f, c, d] has 8 sorted combinations
[f, c, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, b, a] has 2 sorted combinations
[f, b, c] has 5 sorted combinations
[f, b, e] has 2 sorted combinations
[f, b, d] has 3 sorted combinations
[f, b, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, e, a] has 12 sorted combinations
[f, e, c] has 28 sorted combinations
[f, e, b] has 4 sorted combinations
[f, e, d] has 20 sorted combinations
[f, e, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, d, a] has 6 sorted combinations
[f, d, c] has 12 sorted combinations
[f, d, b] has 1 sorted combinations
[f, d, e] has 4 sorted combinations
[f, d, g] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, g, a] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, g, c] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, g, b] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, g, e] has 0 sorted combinations
[f, g, d] has 0 sorted combinations

Recursive solution:

In [9]: f??
Definition: f(lists, triple)
def f(lists, triple):
    out = set()
    for i in range(len(lists)):
        for x in lists[i]:
            if len(triple) == 2 and triple[1] < x:
                out.add(triple + (x,))
            elif len(triple) == 0 or triple[0] < x:
                for j in range(i+1, len(lists)):
                    out.update(f(lists[j:], triple + (x,)))
    return out


In [10]: lists
[[15, 20],
 [11, 12, 14, 16, 19],
 [7, 9, 17, 18],
 [3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13],


In [11]: out = f(lists, ())

In [12]: len(out)
Out[12]: 14

In [13]: out
set([(8, 9, 10),
     (8, 12, 18),
     (8, 11, 13),
     (8, 16, 17),
     (15, 16, 17),
     (8, 12, 17),
     (8, 14, 18),
     (15, 16, 18),
     (8, 11, 17),
     (8, 9, 13),
     (8, 14, 17),
     (8, 11, 18),
     (8, 12, 13),
     (8, 16, 18)])

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