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Need a regex for numbers followed by letters no spaces, dashes, slashes, etc

I'm just not that good at regex and I haven't been able to find an example of something close to what I need. Thanks in advance for your help. This is for a search entry box that will take the user directly to what they are looking for if they already know it's number or number+letter sequence

It has to start with a number and the number can be 1 to many digits, the letters following the numbers can be 0, 1, or 2 digits.

Examples of passing: 1 12 123456 123a 1234ab 123456789ab

Examples of failing: a ab a1 ab12 1abc 123abc 1-a 1_a

you get the point. For the passing strings, I also need to separate the numbers from the letters.

Thanks again.

Language is c#. I need to test the incoming string and then split it into it's number and letter parts if it passes the regex.



Hope this helps.

Try this

var regex=new Regex("^(?<numbers>[0-9]+)(?<letters>[a-z]{0,2})$",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var match=regex.Match(testString);

The property match.Success tells you if it succeed and the values can be obtained

var numbers=match.groups["numbers"].Value;

var letters=match.groups["letters"].Value;

This should work:


Depending upon what language you're using this regex in, the method for getting the full pattern match and subsequent subpattern matches may vary.


Revised second subpattern to match no letters, or a maximum of 2 letters.


All the answers given still match the 1-a in the failing list, so here's my addition:


Tested with: 1 12 123456 123a 1234ab 123456789ab a ab a1 ab12 1abc 123abc 1-a 1_a

Matches: 1 12 123456 123a 1234ab 123456789ab

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