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Split a String into 2 Variables

What I'm trying to do here is Capture 2 Variables from a Textbox

Here is an example of whats going to be in here.


I want to declare everything before the : as user and everything after the : as pass.

I've Googled, and found a few things, but I couldn't seem to get it working fully.

Dim words As String() = textbox1.text.Split(":")
Dim user as String =  words(0)
Dim pass as String =  words(1)
Dim str = "User:Pass"

Dim split = str.Split(":")

Dim user as String
Dim password as String

If (split.Count = 2) then
    password = split(1).ToString()
End If

Split on the : , if there are 2 entries in the resulting array, populate the user variable with the first item, and the password variable with the second.

Dim user As String
Dim pass As String
Dim iPosEQ As Integer
iPosEQ = textbox1.text.IndexOf(":", System.StringComparison.Ordinal)
kv(0) = textbox1.text.Substring(0, iPosEQ - 1)
kv(1) = textbox1.text.Substring(iPosEQ + 1)

This works even with passwords (or users) with ":"

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