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Handling socket.close() gracefully

In my server located in a android device , if the number number of clients exceeds a specific number then the server close the socket. But in my client(other android device) i get a force close. How can i handle it gracefully? Here is the connect part on my client:

    serverIpAddress = serverIp.getText().toString();

    if (!serverIpAddress.equals(""))
                 InetAddress serverAddr = InetAddress.getByName(serverIpAddress);
                 SocketAddress sockaddr = new InetSocketAddress(serverAddr, 5000);
                 nsocket = new Socket();
            }catch(Exception e){
                 Log.i("Connect", "Connection Error");

            if (nsocket.isConnected()){
                  score.setText("Your score is " + sc);
                  Log.i("Connect", "Socket created, streams assigned");
                  Log.i("Connect", "Waiting for inital data..." + nsocket.isConnected());


Sounds like whatever you are using to read the socket is a blocking read, and throws an exception when the socket closes and it is stuck at that read. Make sure that read is in a try block, and use the catch/finally to gracefully exit whatever you are doing at that moment.

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