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Find and replace in shell scripting

Is it possible to search in a file using shell and then replace a value? When I install a service I would like to be able to search out a variable in a config file and then replace/insert my own settings in that value.

Sure, you can do this using sed or awk. sed example:

sed -i 's/Andrew/James/g' /home/oleksandr/names.txt

You can use sed to perform search/replace. I usually do this from a bash shell script, and move the original file containing values to be substituted to a new name, and run sed writing the output to my original file name like this:

mv myfile.txt myfile.txt.in

sed -e 's/PatternToBeReplaced/Replacement/g' myfile.txt.in > myfile.txt.

If you don't specify an output, the replacement will go to stdout.

sed -i 's/variable/replacement/g' *.conf

You can use sed to do this:

sed -i 's/toreplace/yoursetting/' configfile 

sed is probably available on every unix like system out there. If you want to replace more than one occurence you can add ag to the s-command:

sed -i 's/toreplace/yoursetting/g' configfile 

Be careful since this can completely destroy your configfile if you don't specify your toreplace-value correctly. sed also supports regular expressions in searching and replacing.

查看使用Perl的UNIX电源工具 awk,sed,grep就地编辑文件



for file in $(grep -l -R $searchstring $filepath)
  cp $file $file.bak
  sed -e "s/$searchstring/$replacestring/ig" $file > tempfile.tmp
  mv tempfile.tmp $file

  let i++;

  echo "Modified: " $file


$ sed -i 's/ugly/beautiful/g' /home/bruno/old-friends/sue.txt

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