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Parsing multiple Json Objects in android

I am trying to send this json to web server:

[{"codemenu":"1","name":"Fried Rice"},
{"codemenu":"2","name":"Hongkong Fried Rice"},
{"codemenu":"3","name":"Special fried Rice"}]

This is the code but it's not working:

HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
try {
    // JSON data:
    json.put("codemenu", "1");
    json.put("name", "friedrice");
    json.put("codemenu", "2");
    json.put("name", "Hongkong friedrice");
    json.put("codemenu", "3");
    json.put("name", "Special friedrice");          

    JSONArray postjson=new JSONArray();
    postjson.put(json); //i cant use postjson.add(json);

    // Post the data:

    // Execute HTTP Post Request
    HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);

What should I do? Please help me.

You need to use a JSONArray and then put individual JSONObject s inside the array:

// Initialize the JSON Array and your three seperate objects.
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jObj1 = new JSONObject();
JSONObject jObj2 = new JSONObject();
JSONObject jObj3 = new JSONObject();

// Put elements in one object at a time and put them in your array.
jObj1.put("codemenu", "1");
jObj1.put("name", "friedrice");


jObj2.put("codemenu", "2");
jObj2.put("name", "Hongkong friedrice");


jObj3.put("codemenu", "3");
jObj3.put("name", "Special friedrice");


您可以使用Spring Android的RestTemplate模块来代替手动进行所有JSON处理。

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