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Ruby - more elegant pushing to array

valrow = [ 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]
lblrow = [48,  8539,  188,  8540, 189,  8541,  190,  8542]
opts = []
(0..7).each {|i| opts.push([lblrow[i].chr(Encoding::UTF_8), valrow[i]]) }

What is the most elegant way to do this?

Use Array#zip

valrow = [ 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]
lblrow = [48,  8539,  188,  8540, 189,  8541,  190,  8542]
opts = lblrow.map { |c| c.chr(Encoding::UTF_8) }.zip(valrow)

Or use collect.with_index :

valrow = [ 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875]
lblrow = [48,  8539,  188,  8540, 189,  8541,  190,  8542]
opts = valrow.collect.with_index { |val,index| [lblrow[index].chr(Encoding::UTF_8), val] }

You can use an Enumerator object in this case:

value_enum = valrow.to_enum
opts = lblrow.map { |item| [item.chr(Encoding::UTF_8), value_enum.next] }

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