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No vimrc, gvimrc and .vim on mac

There are no .vimrc , .gvimrc files and .vim/ directory on my mac, and so I can't install any script. And when I create a folder .vim/ and .vim/plugin and paste any script in there, it doesn't work. Sorry for my english.

You must create those files and folder yourself:

  1. Open Terminal.app (found under /Applications/Utilities/ ).

  2. At the prompt, a $ , type each of these lines followed by <Enter> (don't type the $ ):

     $ touch .vimrc $ touch .gvimrc $ mkdir .vim $ open .vim 
  3. At this point, the ~/.vim folder is open in a new Finder.app window.

But I'd respectfully suggest you to get accustomed to the command-line and Vim's basics before rushing to install plugins.


You didn't follow the instructions, no wonder the plugin doesn't work.

You have to move cvim.zip into ~/.vim and run the command $ unzip cvim.zip in the terminal. Read the instructions more carefully and don't let Safari expand archives automatically.

Now that you have ~/.vim/c , here is what you should do to go forward.

Supposing your ~/.vim is empty (beside your ~/.vim/c ), move the whole content of ~/.vim/c into ~/.vim . After this operation, your ~/.vim folder should look like that:

+ ~/.vim
   + c <-- your folder
   + c-support
       + (many folders and files)
   + doc
       + csupport.txt
   + ftplugin
       + c.vim
       + make.vim
   + plugin
       + c.vim
   + README.csupport

When you are done, delete ~/.vim/c and start Vim. The plugin should be installed and working.

If your ~/.vim folder is not empty (say it already has a bunch of folders and files like ~/.vim/color , ~/.vim/syntax , whatever…) you'll have to move manually each subfolder/file from ~/.vim/c to the right place in ~/.vim .


I found it on OSX Yosemite in /usr/share/vim/vimrc

Update: Unfortunately on OSX El Capitan, this file is no longer editable even via sudo. So back to user-based versions in ~/.vimrc

A different approach would be as instructed by tim pope in the reference i gave copy to your command line/terminal.app:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle; \
curl -so ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \

also note if curl is not working try wget -O - ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim put then into your .vimrc :

call pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

then unzip the plugin to ~/.vim/bundle/ in a folder of your choice and don't forget to do :call pathogen#helptags() in your vim after the installation to generate the documentation.

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