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Matplotlib zooming work in conjunction with wxPython ScrolledWindow

I've got a Matplotlib canvas (FigureCanvasWxAgg) that I'm displaying inside of a wx.ScrolledWindow. The problem is that I'd like to have the default zooming and panning functionality of Matplotlib work in conjunction with the ScrolledWindow, so that when the user zooms the image within the canvas, the ScrolledWindow should become larger to accommodate for the zooming (scrollbars become smaller). Similarly for panning, I'd like the default matplotlib panning tool to work in conjunction with our ScrolledWindow, so that when the user pans the image on the canvas, the ScrolledWindow's scrollbars should move accordingly.

I've been searching for a while now and have not seen anyone even mention if this is possible. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you for any help/tips.

The problem is that the default Zoom and Pan don't resize the figure, they just change the limits and redraw the plot.

What you want is the Zoom to resize (keeping the same limits) and the Pan to work as in a normal Scrolled window. I have never tried this, fig.set_size_inches(w,h) should do the trick.

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