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C++ SFML mouse movement

I'm trying to detect mouse movement event and move it back to the middle of the screen using sf::RenderWindow pollEvent method and detect the event type sf::Event::MousePressed. The problem is when I'm detecing the mouse movment I need to move the mouse back to the middle of the screen and for that im using sf::Mouse::setPosition but I think (maybe I'm wrong) that function itself calling sf::Event::MouseMoved when it used, and im afraid it creates an infinite loop.

Exmaple of the way im doing that: (I know 0, 0 it's not the middle it is just and exmaple)

while (app.pollEvent(Event))
  if(Event.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved)
            sf::Mouse::setPosition(0 , 0));

Sorry for my bad english! Thanks in advance!

Try using app.SetCursorPosition(x, y); instead.

Also, i would skip the check for events, since you will want the cursor to end in the middle at the end of each frame anyway.

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