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python - can't restart socket connection from client if server becomes unavailable temporarily

I am running a Graphite server to monitor instruments at remote locations. I have a "perpetual" ssh tunnel to the machines from my server (loving autossh) to map their local ports to my server's local port. This works well, data comes through with no hasstles. However we use a flaky satellite connection to the sites, which goes down rather regularly. I am running a "data crawler" on the instrument that is running python and using socket to send packets to the Graphite server. The problem is, if the link goes down temporarily (or the server gets rebooted, for testing mostly), I cannot re-establish the connection to the server. I trap the error, and then run socket.close(), and then re-open, but I just can't re-establish the connection. If I quit the python program and restart it, the connection comes up just fine. Any ideas how I can "refresh" my socket connection?

It's hard to answer this correctly without a code sample. However, it sounds like you might be trying to reuse a closed socket , which is not possible.

If the socket has been closed (or has experienced an error), you must re-create a new connection using a new socket object. For this to work, the remote server must be able to handle multiple client connections in its accept() loop.

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