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OpenERP : fetch record with same name


The solution of using a manual SQL query to group by name as suggested by Ruchir is probably the simplest, but a bit low-level. You can also do it using the read_group() API method that performs a similar GROUP BY query, but without bypassing access control mechanisms and model business logic.

The read_group method takes a search domain (similarly to search() ), a list of fields to read (similarly to read() ) and a list of fields to group by. This method is documented in the OpenERP API . It returns an ordered list of dictionaries with the grouped data and some extra values, including the number of record in each group, stored in a key named <grouped_field>_count , which you could use to find duplicates.

For example if you look for duplicate name values, without any other search criterion:

def duplicate_names(self, cr, uid, context=None):
    # Note: context not propagated for brevity of example
    groups = self.read_group(cr, uid, [], ['name'], ['name'])
    duplicate_names = [g['name'] for g in groups if g['name_count'] > 1]
    print "Duplicates names:", duplicate_names

    if duplicate_names:
        # It's easy to find out the IDs of duplicate records for each name,
        # here is for the first one
        duplicate_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', duplicate_names[0])])
        print "Duplicate IDs for %r: %s" % (duplicate_names[0], duplicate_ids)

You can find duplicate records with a direct SQL query in the database. As an example, this is how you can find duplicate names in the Contact Addresses:

    SELECT name, id, partner_id FROM res_partner_address
    WHERE name in (SELECT name
                   FROM res_partner_address
                   GROUP BY name
                   HAVING (COUNT(name) > 1))""")

print cr.dictfetchall()

Instead of cr.dictfetchall() you can use cr.fetchall() to get the results as a list of tuples rather than dicts.

If you have a specific value for a field 'name' to be searched, then the domain to be searched is

domain = [('name', '=', your_value)]

If you have a list of values to be searched then

domain = [('name', 'in', list_of_values)]

If you want to search a field 'name' with similar value then

domain = [('name','ilike',your_value)]

Now you can search

our_pool = self.pool.get('your.obj.name')
ids = our_pool.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)

Now you can browse the ids we get

our_objs = our_pool.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)

You should first read the document first: http://doc.openerp.com/v6.0/developer/2_5_Objects_Fields_Methods/methods.html

For this question you will need first a 'search' then a 'browse' (or 'read') for example:

obj = self.pool.get('your.obj.name')
ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [('name','=',your_value)], context=context)
records = obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)

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