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File reading and writing in c#

My Code is

            string mtellThemePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mtellThemePath"] == null ? Server.MapPath("~/App_Themes/") : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mtellThemePath"].Contains("%%") ? Server.MapPath("~/App_Themes") : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mtellThemePath"];

            string[] folderPaths = Directory.GetDirectories(mtellThemePath);
            string currentSurveyThemeName = hfSurveyName.Value + "_" + hfClientId.Value;
            string cloneSurveyThemeName = lstSurvey[0].SurveyName + "_" + Identity.Current.UserData.ClientId;
            string cloneSurveyThemePath = mtellThemePath + "\\" + lstSurvey[0].SurveyName + "_" + Identity.Current.UserData.ClientId;

            string cssFile = cloneSurveyThemePath + "\\" + cloneSurveyThemeName + ".css";
            string skinFile = cloneSurveyThemePath + "\\" + cloneSurveyThemeName + ".skin";

            string FileContentCSS = string.Empty;
            string FileContentSkin = string.Empty;

            foreach (string oFolder in folderPaths)
                if (oFolder.Split('\\')[5] == currentSurveyThemeName)
                    string[] cssSkinFiles = Directory.GetFiles(oFolder);
                    foreach (string objFile in cssSkinFiles)
                        if (objFile.Split('\\')[6].Split('.')[1] == "css")
                            FileContentCSS = File.ReadAllText(objFile);
                        if (objFile.Split('\\')[6].Split('.')[1] == "skin")
                            FileContentSkin = File.ReadAllText(objFile);
            if (FileContentCSS != string.Empty)
                File.WriteAllText(cssFile, FileContentCSS);
            if (FileContentSkin != string.Empty)
                File.WriteAllText(skinFile, FileContentSkin);
            return lstSurvey[0].SurveyGuid;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

It is giving error as:

The process cannot access the file 'D:\\Projects\\Mtelligence\\Mtelligence.Web\\App_Themes\\Clone_ForCloneTest_-1\\Clone_ForCloneTest_-1.css' because it is being used by another process.

Please Help me .......... how to solve this

Iam trying to read .css,.skin files from a folder and write those same files in another folder with different name

Look this:

if (FileContentCSS != string.Empty)
    File.WriteAllText(cssFile, FileContentCSS);
    // ...

Actually File.Create dos not just create a file but it creates the file and returns an open stream to it. Your subsequent call to File.WriteAllText will try to write a file open by yourself. In you case (because you do not use streams returned by File.Create ) simply remove them:

if (FileContentCSS != string.Empty)
    File.WriteAllText(cssFile, FileContentCSS);
    // ...

From the error you are getting I imagine that you are not closing a stream to the file you are manipulating. Possibly the lines:

 > File.Create(cssFile); > File.Create(skinFile); 

They return a FileStream object that you should probably flush and close when you are finished with it.

Remember it is rude not to flush :)

So do this for your Creating your files:

using (var stream = File.Create(cssFile))
    // do your tasks here

Is there any reason you're not using File.Copy ?

    // To copy a file to another location and 
    // overwrite the destination file if it already exists.
    System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true);

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