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Extracting numbers from a string using regular expressions

I am clueless about regular expressions, but I know that they're the right tool for what I'm trying to do here: I'm trying to extract a numerical value from a string like this one:

approval=not requested^assignment_group=12345678901234567890123456789012^category=Test^contact_type=phone^

Ideally, I'd extract the following from it: 12345678901234567890123456789012 None of the regexes I've tried have worked. How can I get the value I want from this string?


var myValue = /\d+/.exec(myString)
mystr.match(/assignment_group=([^\^]+)/)[1]; //=> "12345678901234567890123456789012"

这将找到从“ assignment_group =“的末尾到下一个插入符号^

Try something like this:


This will get the number for assignment_group .

var str = 'approval=not requested^assignment_group=12345678901234567890123456789012^category=Test^contact_type=phone^',
    regex = /\^assignment_group=(\d*)\^/,
    matches = str.match(regex),
    id = matches !== null ? matches[1] : '';

If there is no chance of there being numbers anywhere but when you need them, you could just do:


the \\d matches digits, and the + says "match any number of whatever this follows"

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