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Get the value from Json Array in java script?

I Create the JSON Array like in the name of jarray .

It has id and the corresponding value.

And I have an another variable arr .

Now, how do I get the value of the value from json array using id.

It means if i need to check the jarray by using the var id=04 .

If i found 04 i need the value of the particular id like Apple as a out put.

How to use the If condition in Json array?

var jarray=[{"id":"04","value":"Apple"},{"id":"13","value":"orange"}];
var id=04;

This returns an array of all the items whose id is "04" :

var matches = jarray.filter(function(a){return a.id==id;});

If you're sure there is only one, you can take matches[0]; .

Note that this works with id provided as "04" or 04 .

To ensure compatibility with old browsers (which might not have the filter function) see this .

var i=0;
while(i<jarray.length) {
  if(jarray[i].id==id) {
    var val=jarray[i].value;

You can either use something like Underscore's _.find` method , or write your own which might be more specific to your case:

function findId(id, arr, member) {
  for(i in arr) {
    // You could use === here depending on your needs
    if(arr[i]['id'] == id) {
      return member === undefined ? arr[i] : arr[i][member];
  return false;
findId('04', jarray, 'value'); // Apple

like this:

for (i=0;i<jarray.length;i++)
        var tempValue = jarray[i];
        if (tempValue["id"] == id)
            alert( "value is : " + tempValue["value"] );

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