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Regex for extracting build number from Copy artifacts plugin in Jenkins

I have a Jenkins build that copies an artifact from another build.

Using description setter plugin I want to extract the build number from which I take the artifact.

The log file contains this line :

Copied 1 artifact from "Mybuild" build number 569

I need to use regex to extract only the integer 569 (can be any int). Also the 1 can be any int and Mybuild can be any string (but no spaces, one word). I can assume the words Copied, artifact, from, build, number are constant and always appear

I have tried to match a regex, but with no luck. Also tried some regex generator websites but no luck either.


You could probably use

Copied (\d+) artifact from "([^"]+)" build number (\d+)

and then use the third group (or remove the parentheses around the first two captured tokens and use group number 1).

\\d refers to any decimal digit, the + trailing it is a so-called quantifier that will try matching the previous token (the digit in this case) at least one times and as often as possible. [^"] is a character class containing any character that is not a double quote. This way we can make sure that we catch everything within the quotes (not strictly necessary here, but a good pattern to keep in mind). All the rest is just matched verbatim.

Quick PowerShell test:

PS> 'Copied 1 artifact from "Mybuild" build number 569' -match 'Copied (\d+) artifact from "([^"]+)" build number (\d+)'
PS> $Matches

Name                           Value
----                           -----
3                              569
2                              Mybuild
1                              1
0                              Copied 1 artifact from "Mybuild" build number 569

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