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C# Singleton thread safe

I have a singleton class similar to this

public class Singleton
    private static Singleton m_instance;
    private Timer m_timer;
    private static List<CustomObject> m_cacheObjects;

    private Singleton()
        m_cacheObjects = new List<CustomObject>();
        m_timer= new Timer(MyTimerCallBack, 

    public static Singleton Instance
            if (m_instance == null)
                m_instance = new Singleton();
            return m_instance;

    private void MyTimerCallBack(object state)
        //******** Update the list by interval here ******************

        m_cacheObjects = UpdateTheList();

    public void CallMe()
        foreach (CustomObject obj in m_cacheObjects)
            // do something here based on obj

            // The question is, does the m_cacheObjects is thread safe??
            // what happen if the m_cacheObjects is changed
            // during the loop interation?

The CallMe method will be called by web service:

    public void CallMeWebService()

The questions: 1) Is the m_cacheObjects is thread safe? what happen if the m_cacheObjects is changed(because of the timer) during the loop interation (in the CallMe() )?

2) Is a new thread will be created when the Webservice CallMeWebService() is being called?

1: No, a static list is not automatically thread-safe; you must protect m_cacheObjects manually

2: That is an implementation detail; at first glance it looks like it exposes itself as a sync method, but how it does that is entirely up to it

Actually, your static initialization isn't thread-safe either; I could brute-force a scenario where two different Singleton instances were used. It would take repetition to produce it, but it would happen.

Frankly, unless you have a really good reason not to, the simplest but safest singleton pattern is simply:

private static readonly Singleton m_instance = new Singleton();

我建议你在Jon Skeets上发表关于如何在http://csharpindepth.com/Articles/General/Singleton.aspx上创建线程安全单例的文章

//using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

private static volatile Singelton _instance;

public static Singelton Instance
        if (_instance == null)
            _instance = new Singelton();
        return _instance;


[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)] This will tell the compiler that the access to "Instance" is "Synchronized" so the system take care about the calls to this Parameter.

This is Thread-Safe.

EDIT: (Also, the "Lock()" examples are not safe! Coz, u can disable the thread Safety with "Monitor.Exit(Singleton);")

This is a pretty good resource on how to implement the singleton pattern in a thread safe way: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff650316.aspx

public sealed class Singleton
   private static volatile Singleton instance;
   private static object syncRoot = new Object();

   private Singleton() {}

   public static Singleton Instance
     if (instance == null) 
        lock (syncRoot) 
           if (instance == null) 
          instance = new Singleton();

     return instance;

This simply makes sure that there will never be more than one instance. You also need to apply locking for your custom method.

public void CallMe()
    lock (syncRoot) 
        foreach (CustomObject obj in m_cacheObjects)
            // do something here based on obj

It is not thread safe.

I believe i would use a lock in both 'MyTimerCallBack' and 'CallMe' methods

1) No, m_cacheObjects is not thread-safe.

2) Yes, new thread will be created (well, it may not be new thread but rather thread taked from thread-pool).

You'll need to protect m_cacheObjects with lock statement. Also, in the CallMe method I'd recommend to create a local copy of m_cacheObjects :

// create new field syncRoot
private static readonly object syncRoot = new object();

New CallMe method:

List<CustomObject> localCopy;
lock (syncRoot)
    localCopy = new List<CustomObject>(m_cacheObjects);

foreach (var nextObject in localCopy)
// Do some work

And updated MyTimerCallBack method:

lock (syncRoot)
    m_cacheObjects = UpdateTheList();

And please also implement thread-safe Singleton (read other answers for details).

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