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Stored Queries in access vs. Stored Procedure in MS SQL Server

Is it correct to say that the Functionality of " stored queries " in MS access is the same with " stored Procedure " in MS SQL Server. Which one improve the Performance more?

A Sub or Function in a module is probably closer to a stored procedure than a query. You can:

  • Execute one or more sql statements.
  • use flow-control and other logic
  • interact with objects outside of the database: files, email, execute programs etc.
  • execute/use other sub routines and functions

A query has similarities to a view (except a view can't accept paramters and only executes a select statement), but is more like a table user-defined function (Without some of the flow control).

No, an Access query is much more limited than a stored procedure . The stored procedure may be better if you are working with an SQL Server back-end and want to do something complicated.

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