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Json Parsing through multiple object

I have a json in a file name: test.json


this is my bean class

    class Books{
        private String name;
        private int isbn;
//getter and setter methods

my main class

Gson gson = new Gson();
    try {
        BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:\\test.json"));

                Books m = gson.fromJson(br, Books.class);


I am able to print only the first line, if I have to parse other line what should I do ?

As the comment says it is not a valid json string (You can use jsonlint to validate json).

If it the book elements were in a list with commas after each books then you should convert it to a list of Books rather than just use the books class. To do this you would have to use a generic type token .

In this case it would look a bit like this:

Type listOfBooksType = new TypeToken<List<Books>>() {}.getType();
List<Books> books = gson.fromJson(json, listOfBooksType);

(Maybe your class name should be Book rather than Books? - as each "Books" denotes one book)

I presume that you have following json text.


You need to create another class which has books field,

class Book{
  private String name;
  private int isbn; 
  //getter - setter
class Books {
    private Book books;
    public Book getBooks() {
        return books;
    public void setBooks(Book books) {
        this.books = books;

and to parse the json:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:\\test.json"));

List<Books> books= gson.fromJson(br,new com.google
for(Books book:books)
                        + " " + book.getBooks().getName());

The JSON in your test.json is malformed. It gson shouldn't be able to parse it as it is. Names should be strings, so the data should look like this:


But it's a curious data structure anyway. Is it your own format, or something that you've been given? It seems as if it may want to be an array, such as:


If so, you could parse the entire file using Gson, given your Books class, like this:

Books booksArray[];
booksArray = Gson.fromGson(br, Books[].class);

Otherwise, given the data structure as it is in your question - assuming that the books attribute names are quoted - you'll need to account for the additional level of object, for example:

class BooksWrapper
    private Books books;

    public Books getBooks()
       return books;

And you can loop over the lines in your BufferedReader and collect all the objects like so:

ArrayList<Books> books = new ArrayList<Books>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.json"));
String line;

BooksWrapper wrapper;

while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
   wrapper = gson.fromJson(line, BooksWrapper.class);

for (Books book : books)
   System.out.println("\t" + book.getIsbn());

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