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Passing uniqueidentifier parameter to Stored Procedure

I am trying to pass a uniqueidentifier parameter to a stored procedure using the following code:

myCommand.Parameters.Add("@BlogID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = "96d5b379-7e1d-4dac-a6ba-1e50db561b04";

I keep getting an error however saying that the program was unable to convert from string to GUID. Am I passing the value incorrectly?


myCommand.Parameters.Add("@BlogID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid("96d5b379-7e1d-4dac-a6ba-1e50db561b04");

A unique identifier is a GUID . so it's a different object type to your string.

You need

myCommand.Parameters.Add("@BlogID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = 
                                        new Guid("96d5b379-7e1d-4dac-a6ba-1e50db561b04");

One thing to check is that you are not comparing the uniqueidentifier to any string in the database.

When I ran into this, I found a section where I had the following line:

IF @MyGuid IS NULL OR @MyGuid = '' BEGIN...

The { @MyGuid = '' } part will cause the error you described.

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