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URL encoding a string in bash script

I am writing a bash script in where I am trying to submit a post variable, however wget is treating it as multiple URLS I believe because it is not URLENCODED... here is my basic thought

MESSAGE='I am trying to post this information'
wget -O test.txt http://xxxxxxxxx.com/alert.php --post-data 'key=xxxx&message='$MESSAGE''


python -c "import urllib;print urllib.quote(raw_input())" <<< "$message"


ENCODEDMESSAGE=$(php -r "echo urlencode(\"$MESSAGE\");")

Extending Rockallite's very helpful answer for Python 3 and multiline input from a file (this time on Ubuntu, but that shouldn't matter):

cat any.txt | python3 -c "import urllib.parse, sys; print(urllib.parse.quote(sys.stdin.read()))"

This will result in all lines from the file concatenated into a single URL, the newlines being replaced by %0A .

Pure Bash way:

echo -e "${URL//%/\\x}"



'C3 A2' is 'â' in utf8 hex

utf8 list: http://www.utf8-chartable.de/

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