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Linq to sql deleteAllOnSubmit referential integrity

Let's say I have the following classes that:

        long MID    // PK
        string Name

        long MID      // FK
        long BID      // FK

        long BID      // PK
        string Info

        long BID      // FK
        long LID      // FK

        long LID      // FK
        string Language

Imagine these are filled with data. Now, I'd like to delete a set of Blocks. How do I have to do this? I have to delete the appropriate ModuleBlocks and BlockLanguages.

let's say this is the list of Block I'd like to delete:

    var blocks = // blocks query here

I probably have to call:


But what else do I have to call to make sure the data is deleted in ModuleBlock & BlockLanguage as well?

You can probably use the associated objects to do this.


Yes you need to delete child objects manually. There is one trick though: Set the foreign keys to CASCADE in SQL Server. It will then auto-delete associated objects. This is the fastest and easiest solution.

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