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.NET equivalent of Java's BufferedReader

I have that code in Java

public void read() throws IOException {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.socket.getInputStream(), "UTF8"));
    String requestURL = null;
    Vector property = new Vector();
    String line;
       //MORE OF CODE

If You need full code here is paste.

I want rewrite that to C#

But i don't know which is equivalent to BufferReader. I have socket, and i want read from socket InputStream (with UTF8)


Something like this ought to do you, though I'm sure I'm missing a ton of exceptional condition handling and minor things like, oh, graceful server shutdown.

static void Main( string[] args )
  string      localMachineName    = Dns.GetHostName() ;
  IPHostEntry localMachineInfo    = Dns.GetHostEntry( localMachineName ) ;
  IPAddress   localMachineAddress = localMachineInfo.AddressList[0] ;
  IPEndPoint  localEndPoint       = new IPEndPoint( localMachineAddress , PORT_NUMBER ) ;

  using ( Socket server = new Socket( localEndPoint.AddressFamily , SocketType.Stream , ProtocolType.Tcp ) )
    server.Bind(   localEndPoint                    ) ;

    while ( true )
      using ( Socket        connection       = server.Accept()                                         )
      using ( NetworkStream connectionStream = new NetworkStream( connection       , FileAccess.Read , false ) )
      using ( TextReader    connectionReader = new StreamReader(  connectionStream , Encoding.UTF8  ) )
        IPEndPoint remoteEndpoint = (IPEndPoint) connection.RemoteEndPoint ;

        string line ;
        while ( null != (line=connectionReader.ReadLine()) )
          line = line.Trim() ;
          Console.WriteLine( "Client says: {0}" , line ) ;
          if ( string.Equals( "exit"     , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;
          if ( string.Equals( "quit"     , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;
          if ( string.Equals( "goodbye"  , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;
          if ( string.Equals( "good-bye" , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;

        connection.Shutdown( SocketShutdown.Both ) ;
        connection.Close() ;



If you want to buffer the stream, just decorate the NetworkStream instance with a BufferedStream :

using ( Socket     connection       = server.Accept()                                                            )
using ( Stream     connectionStream = new NetworkStream( connection       , FileAccess.Read , false            ) )
using ( TextReader connectionReader = new StreamReader( new BufferedStream( connectionStream ) , Encoding.UTF8 ) )
  IPEndPoint remoteEndpoint = (IPEndPoint) connection.RemoteEndPoint ;

  string line ;
  while ( null != (line=connectionReader.ReadLine()) )
    line = line.Trim() ;
    Console.WriteLine( "Client says: {0}" , line ) ;
    if ( string.Equals( "exit"     , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;
    if ( string.Equals( "quit"     , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;
    if ( string.Equals( "goodbye"  , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;
    if ( string.Equals( "good-bye" , line , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) break ;

  connection.Shutdown( SocketShutdown.Both ) ;
  connection.Close() ;

It depends on what you want. BufferedReader buffers the data from another reader. If you just want buffered reads, you can use something like StreamReader depending how you want to read data.

Something like the following would be comparable.

using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Socket.GetStream(), Encoding.UTF8)) {
    while(reader.Peek() >= 0) {
        Console.WriteLine(reader.ReadLine()); // or something...

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