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Software is not working when MS SQL server version is changed

I'm using SQL Server 2005 database - server in my software (OS-XP). When I changed the server to SQL Server 2008 (OS-windows 7), the software didn't work.

I debugged the program and found Array index out of bounds exception in a part of a code, when I changed that code its working fine, can anyone please tell me what is the reason for the problem?

String cnnStr = String.Format("Data Source = {0}; Initial Catalog = {1}; Integrated Security = SSPI; persist security info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes",ServerName, Databasae);

sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(cnnStr);

Original code

 Server server = new Server(new ServerConnection(sqlConnection));
 Database db = server.Databases[Databasae];
 Table Table = new Table(db, TableName);
 Column TimeColumn = new Column(Table, "DateTime");
 TimeColumn.DataType = DataType.DateTime;
 TimeColumn.Nullable = false;
 Column ValueColumn = new Column(Table, "Value");
 ValueColumn.DataType = DataType.Float;
 ValueColumn.Nullable = false;

New code

 StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
 query.Append("CREATE TABLE ");
 query.Append(" (  [DateTime] DateTime , Value float(10) )");

 SqlCommand sqlQuery = new SqlCommand(query.ToString(), sqlConnection);
 SqlDataReader reader = sqlQuery.ExecuteReader();


You need to update your SMO SDK to the SQL 2008 version and remove all of the 2005 references as you are no longer using SQL 2005.

You can read a bit more on the subject here:


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