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How to overload << cout for a template class?

We were taught how to overload cout the other day for our program to cout but I don't know how to make it output everything.

 template <NODETYPE>
 friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, List<NODETYPE>& );

template<typename NODETYPE>
ostream &operator <<(ostream& output, List<NODETYPE>& value)
    output << value;
    return output;

However, my program has at least 5 objects to output and two of them are doubles. I get an error for that that says 'double is not a valid type for a template constant parameter'

My two problems are: How do I output all my objects and not just the first object; and how do I get the double to output. Please and thanks!


Okay, I realized I was doing something wrong, rearranged my header, and source files.

And then I also realized that missing my lecturer's class was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. My next error, was giving you all my assumptions, and not the information that I assumed from.

In my assignment, it says: • Write an assignment operator and a friend function to output the linked list.

in almost every other line of my main function(a function that I'm not allowed to alter), there is a cout:

List<int> Li, Li2, Li3;
List<double> Ld, Ld2;

These are my objects. And all my couts look something like this:

  cout << "Ld is: " << Ld << endl;

After rearranging my header and source files, I got this error: "no match for 'operator<<' in 'std::operator<<[with_Traits = std::char_traits] (((std::basic_ostream>&)(& std::cout)), ((const char*) 'Ld is"))<

I get that for every single cout statement I have. It's more information than Ld exit status is 1 or whatever, so I'm going from this.

I'm still not fully keen on using this ostream overload function, so any help appreciated and thank you so much for your time!


I've put almost all my code in this post: collect2: Ld returned 1 exit status build make error

If someone could help me with the overload that'd be great, because I think it's the only problem I've got left so I can figure out everything else.


You need to perform some kind of iteration over the List<NODETYPE> , printing out each node. Otherwise you have an infinite recursion, with the operator calling itself.

This example prints out the elements separated by a single space, in a single line. I have omitted the details of the iteration mechanism because I don't know your List interface.

template<typename NODETYPE>
ostream &operator <<(ostream& output, const List<NODETYPE>& value)
   for ( node in value) // pseudocode iteration
     output << node << " ";
   return output;

This assumes there is an ostream& operator<< for the node types, if not you have to provide that too. Also, note I pass the list by const reference . This has many advantages, one of them being you can pass temporary objects.

Concerning the friend declaration, you also need template<typename T> there, but it isn't clear you need the operator to be friend in the first place. Lists typically provide access to their elements in their public interface.

List<T> 's operator<< should iterate through each element of type T in the list and call output << element; on each.

Then, make sure each type T that you create a List<T> object with also implements an operator<< which outputs each of its variables you would like it to, in the format you would like it to, such as output << "(" << x << "," << y << ")" . Built-in types already do this, so for example List<int> will not require this step.

1) The friend declaration is unnecessary, unless the NODETYPE you want to use as template argument is a class you defined yourself, and the operator<< you are defining wants to access any private members of NODETYPE . It seems that right now, NODETYPE is double , so there is no need for a friend declaration.

If you have other data types you'd like to use as template arguments, and those other data types are your own classes, put a friend declaration inside those classes. (This may be true of the List type, as described below).

2) Right now, your operator<< is recursive. You must (as suggested by the other answers) somehow iterate through the list of NODETYPE objects you get:

for(List::const_iterator it = value.begin() ; it != value.end() ; ++it)
  output << *it;

(The above assumes, your List datatype implements begin() , end() and iterators. You may want to use a different way of iterating through the elements of the List . For that, you may actually have to access private members of the List data type, in which case you must declare the operator<< as a friend template (including typename !) inside the List class definition.)

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