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vb.net INSERT CURDATE() to MySQL issue

In a windows application I have a query that im trying to insert the current date on my mysql database

query below:

SqlVentaCasas1 = "INSERT INTO VentaCasasHistory (ID, Direccion, Estatus, Precio, " & _
                                "NumeroDias, FechaHoy, Agente, Compania, Unidad, Ciudad ) VALUES ('" & _
                                AddIDCasas2 & "','" & AddDireccionCasas2 & "','" & AddEstatusCasas2 & "'," & AddPrecioCasas2 & ", 0, CURDATE(), '" & AgenteNameCasas2 & "','" & AgenteCompaniaCasas2 & "', '" & AddUnidadCasas2 & "', '" & AddCiudadCasas2 & "' );"

                        CommandVentaCasas1 = New MySqlCommand(SqlVentaCasas1, con)
                        CommandVentaCasas1.CommandType = CommandType.Text

when i input the values that i want to insert into mysql everything runs smoothly except that when i check the database for the date entered i find myself with the 0000-00-00

on the other hand, when i run the same query from PHPmyAdmin

INSERT INTO `VentaCasasHistory`(`ID`, `Direccion`, `Estatus`, `Precio`, `NumeroDias`, `FechaHoy`, `Agente`, `Compania`, `Unidad`, `Ciudad`) VALUES ([String1],[String2],[String3],[Integer1],[Integer2],CURDATE(),[String4],[String5],[String6],[String7])

where FechaHoy is CURDATE() is does insert correctly the date that should be.

I cant seem to find what is the problem, As i understand it will only insert 0000-00-00 if there is something wrong with the date when been entered.

the reason i kept both queries "identical" was to understand what im doing wrong and I know that they can be subject to SQL injection.

your help would be very appreciated.

Leo P.

this is the code i have for the last piece that you told me.

Dim StringDate As String

    StringDate = Date.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

SqlVentaCasas1 = "INSERT INTO VentaCasasHistory (ID, Direccion, Estatus, Precio, " & _
                                "NumeroDias, FechaHoy, Agente, Compania, Unidad, Ciudad ) VALUES ('" & _
                                AddIDCasas2 & "','" & AddDireccionCasas2 & "','" & AddEstatusCasas2 & "'," & AddPrecioCasas2 & ", 0, STR_TO_DATE('" & StringDate & "', GET_FORMAT(DATE,'ISO')), '" & AgenteNameCasas2 & "','" & AgenteCompaniaCasas2 & "', '" & AddUnidadCasas2 & "', '" & AddCiudadCasas2 & "' );"

unfortunately it does not work and i still get the 0000-00-00.

CURDATE() should really be specified as default value used in CREATE TABLE . In other words, you don't need to put it in as part of a query as when you insert a new record the field with default value set to CURDATE() will have the date automatically inserted.


    ID int NOT NULL,
    MyName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    MyDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURDATE(),

INSERT INTO MyTable (MyName) VALUES ('Epistemex')

Will set the MyDate field to CURDATE() .

Hope this helps.

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