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need help in making key value pair in python

I have this code:

   while i<len(line):
        if re.findall(pattern, line[i]):
            k,v = line[i].split('=')
            print k
            token = dict(k=v)
            print token

and the result I'm getting is :

{'k': 'ptk_first'}

how to make this few lines of code nicer and dictionary that will look like this:

{'ptk': 'ptk_first'}
for line in lines:
    if re.match(pattern, line):
        k,v = line.split('=')
        token = {k:v}
        print token

Something like this:

key1=data on the rest of line 1
key2=data on the rest of line 2
key3=data on line 3"""

for line in lines.splitlines():

print d 
In [112]: line="ptk=ptk_first" 

In [113]: dict([line.split("=")])
Out[113]: {'ptk': 'ptk_first'}

for your code:

for line in lines:
    if re.findall(pattern, line):
        token = dict([line.split("=")])
        print token

with regex you can try this:

>>> import re
>>> lines="""
... ptk=ptk_first
... ptk1=ptk_second
... """
>>> dict(re.findall('(\w+)=(\w+)',lines,re.M))
{'ptk1': 'ptk_second', 'ptk': 'ptk_first'}

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