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Ruby Multiple OR Evaluations For String Value

I was wondering if there was a dry way of writing the following in Ruby:

ext == ".xlsx" || ext == ".xls" || ext == ".ods"   

My initial thought was the following which doesn't seem to work as expected:

ext == ".xlsx" || ".xls" || ".ods"   


['.xlsx','.xls','.ods'].include? ext
%w(.xlsx .xls .ods).include? ext
ext =~ /(.xlsx$)|(.xls$)|(.ods$)/

irb(main):009:0> '.xlsx' =~ /(.xlsx$)|(.xls$)|(.ods$)/
=> 0
irb(main):010:0> '.xlsa' =~ /(.xlsx$)|(.xls$)|(.ods$)/
=> nil

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