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std::thread, class constructor and destructor

When testing threads in C++11 I have created the following example:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

class Foo {
    Foo(void) {
        std::cout << "Constructor called: " << this << std::endl;
    ~Foo(void) {
        std::cout << "Destructor called: " << this << std::endl;
    void operator()() const {
        std::cout << "Operatior called: " << this << std::endl;

void test_normal(void) {
    std::cout << "====> Standard example:" << std::endl;
    Foo f;

void test_thread(void) {
    std::cout << "====> Thread example:" << std::endl;
    Foo f;
    std::thread t(f);

int main(int argc, char **argv) 


Which prints the following:


Why is the destructor called 6 times for the thread? And why does the thread report different memory locations?

EDIT When adding move and copy constructor output:


The function object will be moved or copied. You didn't account in your output for any of these.

Add a copy constructor and move constructor to your class.

Foo(Foo const&) { std::cout << "Copy Constructor called: " << this << std::endl; }
Foo(Foo&&) { std::cout << "Move Constructor called: " << this << std::endl; }

Now if you run the code the output (on gcc 4.7.2) looks like this:

====> Standard example:
Constructor called: 0xbff696ff
Destructor called: 0xbff696ff
====> Thread example:
Constructor called: 0xbff696ff
Copy Constructor called: 0xbff696cf
Move Constructor called: 0x93a8dfc
Destructor called: 0xbff696cf
Destructor called: 0xbff696ff
Operator called: 0x93a8dfc
Destructor called: 0x93a8dfc

As you can see, the number of calls to the destructor matches the number of calls to the various constructors.

I suspect gcc manages to elide a few of the copy / move construction calls that MSVC seems to be making, so there are fewer calls to destructor than your example.

Furthermore, you can avoid the copy construction completely by std::move ing the Foo object to the thread constructor.

In test_thread change the thread construction line to

std::thread t(std::move(f));

Now the output looks like this:

====> Standard example:
Constructor called: 0xbfc23e2f
Destructor called: 0xbfc23e2f
====> Thread example:
Constructor called: 0xbfc23e2f
Move Constructor called: 0xbfc23dff
Move Constructor called: 0x9185dfc
Destructor called: 0xbfc23dff
Destructor called: 0xbfc23e2f
Operator called: 0x9185dfc
Destructor called: 0x9185dfc

Because your Foo is on the stack, not heap. This means that you allocate a new one inside test_thread, then it gets copied when you call std::thread(f) and again inside thread(f).

You would need to instead create a pointer to allocate on the heap, and pass that so that the object isn't copied each time, using the heap (new) to allocate it.

Compiler adds default move and copy constructors if you do not do it yourself, check this


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

class Foo {
    Foo(Foo&& f) {
        std::cout << "Constructor Foo&& called: " << this << std::endl;
    Foo(const Foo& f) {
        std::cout << "Constructor const Foo& called: " << this << std::endl;
    Foo(void) {
        std::cout << "Constructor called: " << this << std::endl;
    ~Foo(void) {
        std::cout << "Destructor called: " << this << std::endl;
    void operator()() const {
        std::cout << "Operatior called: " << this << std::endl;

void test_normal(void) {
    std::cout << "====> Standard example:" << std::endl;
    Foo f;

void test_thread(void) {
    std::cout << "====> Thread example:" << std::endl;
    Foo f;
    std::thread t(f);

int main(int argc, char **argv) 


it shows that all ctors pair with dtors.

Also look into this SO:

Rule-of-Three becomes Rule-of-Five with C++11?

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