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Create PHP multidimension associative array from MySQL linked tables SELECT query

I'm hoping someone could help me with this problem.

Say I have 3 DB tables:

user_id, user_name
100, John
101, Jessica

car_id, car_name
30, Corvette
31, BMW

user_id, car_id, car_colour
100, 30, Red
101, 30, Green
101, 31, Green

(so John got a red corvette and Jessica has a green Corvette and a BMW)

I would like to have code that returns a multidimensional PHP array something like:

    [100] => Array
        [user_id] => 100
        [user_name] => John
        [cars] => Array

    [101] => Array
        [user_id] => 101
        [user_name] => Jessica
        [cars] => Array
            [0] => Array
            [1] => Array

I have the following SQL

SELECT u.*, c.* FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UsersCars uc ON u.user_id = uc.user_id
LEFT JOIN Cars c ON uc.car_id = c.car_id


$result = mysqli_query($db, $q);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']] = $row;

But this isn't correct. Anyone knows how to solve this resulting the above array (with performance in mind)? I rather do not want to hard-coded the exception of "cars" being something that can happen more than once. I rather have something that just looks at $row and $users_with_cars and when seeing some new value, it appends it, by converting the old value into an array. Maybe there's already a native PHP function for this? Or better, maybe my MySQL or whole approach is wrong?

Any help or tips appreciated.



Here's an update, maybe I can help someone else how I solved it eventually.

I ended up with always using an array for one or more cars, and I adjusted the tables to always have an "id" as column name. This way you can easily expand it. See example;

id, name
100, John
101, Jessica

id, name
30, Corvette
31, BMW

user_id, car_id, car_colour
100, 30, Red
101, 30, Green
101, 31, Green

$q = 'SELECT u.*, c.id as car_id, c.name as car_name, uc.colour as car_colour FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UsersCars uc ON u.id = uc.user_id
LEFT JOIN Cars c ON uc.car_id = c.id';

$result = mysqli_query($db, $q);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $users_with_cars[] = $row;
$joins = array('cars' => array('car_id'=>'id','car_name'=>'name','car_colour'=>'colour'));
$users_with_cars = create_join_array($users_with_cars, $joins);


function create_join_array($rows, $joins){
    /* build associative multidimensional array with joined tables from query rows */

    foreach((array)$rows as $row){
        if (!isset($out[$row['id']])) {
            $out[$row['id']] = $row;

        foreach($joins as $name => $item){
            foreach($item as $field => $newfield){
                if (!empty($row[$field]))
                    $newitem[$newfield] = $row[$field];
            if (!empty($newitem))
                $out[$row['id']][$name][$newitem[key($newitem)]] = $newitem;

    return $out;

This all results in the beautiful array:

    [100] => Array
        [id] => 100
        [name] => John
        [cars] => Array
            [30] => Array
    [101] => Array
        [id] => 101
        [name] => Jessica
        [cars] => Array
            [30] => Array
            [31] => Array

Let's say the users also can have multiple bikes. Then, you have multiple join arrays, you can easily bind on with left joins and add it to the join array.

$q = 'SELECT u.*, c.id as car_id, c.name as car_name, uc.colour as car_colour, b.id as bike_id, b.name as bike_name FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UsersCars uc ON u.user_id = uc.user_id
LEFT JOIN Cars c ON uc.car_id = c.id
LEFT JOIN UsersBikes ub ON u.user_id = ub.user_id
LEFT JOIN Bikes b ON ub.bike_id = b.id';

$result = mysqli_query($db, $q);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $users_with_cars_bikes[] = $row;

$joins = array('cars' => array('car_id'=>'id', 'car_name'=>'name', 'car_colour'=>'colour'), 
               'bikes' => array('bike_id'=>'id', 'bike_name'=>'name'));
$users_with_cars_bikes = create_join_array($users_with_cars_bikes, $joins);


Would result in something like

    [100] => Array
        [id] => 100
        [name] => John
        [cars] => Array
            [30] => Array
        [bikes] => Array
            [41] => Array

and so on..

Thanks all for helping out :)

This is the thing I could come up with. It will (probably) create an array just like your desired output. Not sure if it will work, I wrote this here without testing. Let me know! :)

$result = mysqli_query($db, $q);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
    // Add user ID and name to the array
    $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
    $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['user_name'] = $row['user_name'];
    // Check if this user has cars in the array. If not, this is the first car (see else)
        // Check if there is exactly 1 car in the array
        if(count($users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars']) == 1)
            // If yes, put that car in a 'sub array'
            $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars'] = array(0 => $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars']);
            // Then add the new car
            $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars'][] = array('car_id' => $row['car_id'], 'car_name' => $row['car_name'], 'car_color' => $row['car_color']);
            // It already has more than one car in the array. Just add it
            $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars'][] = array('car_id' => $row['car_id'], 'car_name' => $row['car_name'], 'car_color' => $row['car_color']);
        // Add a single car without 'sub array'
        $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars']['car_id'] = $row['car_id'];
        $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars']['car_name'] = $row['car_name'];
        $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars']['car_color'] = $row['car_color'];


This is an example as I mentioned in my comment:

 $result = mysqli_query($db, $q); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $count = count($users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars']); foreach($row AS $key => $value) { if(substr($key, 0, 4) == "car_") { // Single: $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars'][$key] = $value; // Multiple: $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars'][$count][$key] = $value; } } } 
$result = mysqli_query($db, $q);
$users_with_cars = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    if (!isset($users_with_cars[$row['user_id']])) {
        $user = array();
        $user['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
        $user['user_name'] = $row['user_name'];
        $user['cars'] = array();
        $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']] = $user;
    $car = array();
    $car['car_id'] = $row['car_id'];
    $car['car_name'] = $row['car_name'];
    $car['car_colour'] = $row['car_colour'];
    $users_with_cars[$row['user_id']]['cars'] = $car;

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