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How to trim any character (or a substring) from a string?

I use C# basically. There I can do:

string trimmed = str.Trim('\t');

to trim tabulation from the string str and return the result to trimmed .

In delphi7 I found only Trim , that trims spaces.

How can I achieve the same functionality?

There is string helper TStringHelper.Trim that accepts array of Char as optional parameter.

function Trim(const TrimChars: array of Char): string; overload;

So, you can use

trimmed := str.Trim([#09]);

for your example. #09 here is ASCII code for Tab character.

This function exists since at least Delphi XE3.

Hope it helps.

This is a kind of procedure sometimes easier to create than to find where it lives :)

function TrimChar(const Str: string; Ch: Char): string;
  S, E: integer;
  while (S <= Length(Str)) and (Str[S]=Ch) do Inc(S);
  while (E >= 1) and (Str[E]=Ch) do Dec(E);
  SetString(Result, PChar(@Str[S]), E - S + 1);

In Delphi the Trim function does not take parameters but it does trim other characters as well as spaces. Here's the code (from System.SysUtils in XE2, I don't think it has changed):

function Trim(const S: string): string;
  I, L: Integer;
  L := Length(S);
  I := 1;
  if (L > 0) and (S[I] > ' ') and (S[L] > ' ') then Exit(S);
  while (I <= L) and (S[I] <= ' ') do Inc(I);
  if I > L then Exit('');
  while S[L] <= ' ' do Dec(L);
  Result := Copy(S, I, L - I + 1);

It is trimming anything less than ' ' which would eliminate any control characters like tab, carriage return and line feed.

Delphi doesn't provide a function that does what you want. The built-in Trim function always trims the same set of characters (whitespace and control characters) from both ends of the input string. Several answers here show the basic technique for trimming arbitrary characters. As you can see, it doesn't have to be complicated. Here's my version:

function Trim(const s: string; c: Char): string;
  First, Last: Integer;
  First := 1;
  Last := Length(s);
  while (First <= Last) and (s[First] = c) do
  while (First < Last) and (s[Last] = c) do
  Result := Copy(s, First, Last - First + 1);

To adapt that for trimming multiple characters, all you have to do is change the second conditional term in each loop. What you change it to depends on how you choose to represent the multiple characters. C# uses an array. You could also put all the characters in a string, or you could use Delphi's native set type.

function Trim(const s: string; const c: array of Char): string;
// Replace `s[x] = c` with `CharInArray(s[x], c)`.

function Trim(const s: string; const c: string): string;
// Replace `s[x] = c` with `CharInString(s[x], s)`.

function Trim(const s: string; const c: TSysCharSet): string;
// Replace `s[x] = c` with `s[x] in c`.

The CharInArray and CharInString functions are easy to write:

function CharInArray(c: Char; ar: array of Char): Boolean;
  i: Integer;
  Result := True;
  for i := Low(ar) to High(ar) do
    if ar[i] = c then
  Result := False;
// CharInString is identical, except for the type of `ar`.

Recall that as of Delphi 2009, Char is an alias for WideChar , meaning it's too big to fit in a set, so you wouldn't be able to use the set version unless you were guaranteed the input would always fit in an AnsiChar . Furthermore, the s[x] in c syntax generates warnings on WideChar arguments, so you'd want to use CharInSet(s[x], c) instead. (Unlike CharInArray and CharInString , the RTL provides CharInSet already, for Delphi versions that need it.)

You can use StringReplace:



  str:=StringReplace(str, chr(VK_Tab), '', [rfReplaceAll]);


This omits all Tab characters from given string. But you can improve it, if you want leading and trailing tabs to be removed then you can use Pos function also.

Edit: For the comment asking how to do it with Pos, here it is:

  s, e: PChar;


  while Pos(Chr(VK_TAB), s)=1 do inc(s);
  inc(e, length(s)-1);
  while Pos(Chr(VK_TAB), e)=1 do dec(e);
  str:=Copy(s, 1, length(s)-length(e)+1);


It is of course the same approach by Maksee's and a bit more job to do as it is. But if there isn't much time to finish the work and if Pos is what you've thought first, then this is how it can be done. You, the programmer should and have to think about optimizations, not me. And if we're talking constraints of optimization, with a little tweak to replace Pos with char compare, this will run faster than Maksee's code.

Edit for Substr search generalization:

function TrimStr(const Source, SubStr: String): String;
  s, e: PChar;
  l: Integer;

  while Pos(SubStr, s)=1 do inc(s, l);
  inc(e, length(s)-l);
  while Pos(SubStr, e)=1 do dec(e, l);
  Result:=Copy(s, 1, length(s)-length(e)+l);

JEDI JCL v2.7为您提供所需的功能:

function StrTrimCharLeft(const S: string; C: Char): string; function StrTrimCharsLeft(const S: string; const Chars: TCharValidator): string; overload; function StrTrimCharsLeft(const S: string; const Chars: array of Char): string; overload; function StrTrimCharRight(const S: string; C: Char): string; function StrTrimCharsRight(const S: string; const Chars: TCharValidator): string; overload; function StrTrimCharsRight(const S: string; const Chars: array of Char): string; overload; function StrTrimQuotes(const S: string): string;

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