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Select From a Table where field in All fields

I have to select values from a table in all rows like this:

select distinct SCHM_CODE, 
       sum(DEP_AMT) as AMOUNT 
  from DLY_DEP_VIEW  
 where Schm_code in (select SCHM_CODE 
                       from DLY_DEP_VIEW )
 group by schm_code

I will be taking input from user input, I do not want the select statement in the brackets, I need to return a value for all in there like:

select distinct SCHM_CODE, 
       sum(DEP_AMT) as AMOUNT 
  from DLY_DEP_VIEW  
 where Schm_code in (ALL_SCHM_CODES)
 group by schm_code

And this is Giving me Invalid Identifier: (EDITS)

select distinct SCHM_CODE, 
       sum(DEP_AMT) as AMOUNT 
  from DLY_DEP_VIEW  
 where Schm_code in (select regexp_substr('" + c + "', '[^,]+',1,level) p
          from dual t
       connect by level <= regexp_count('" + c + "', ',') + 1
 group by schm_code;

Since the value in the brackets keep changing in my application. What is the best way to achieve this? The query is inside Java Code.

You can try something like this:

select distinct SCHM_CODE, 
       sum(DEP_AMT) as AMOUNT 
  from DLY_DEP_VIEW  
 where Schm_code in (select regexp_substr(:your_string, '[^,]+',1,level) p
          from dual t
       connect by level <= regexp_count(:your_string, ',') + 1
 group by schm_code

:your_string is the string you got as input from the user which can contain one value or many (comma separated)

Here is a sqlfiddle demo

BTW, use a prepared statement with a bind variable, don't just concatenate the input string.
Read more here

You can use a nested table, as one of the methods:

  • Create a nested table type. Assumption was made that the Schm_code is of number datatype.

     SQL> create or replace type t_list as table of number 2 / Type created 
  • Rewrite the query as follows. If a list is a list of strings, then each element of the list must be enclosed with single quotation marks:

     select distinct SCHM_CODE, sum(DEP_AMT) as AMOUNT from DLY_DEP_VIEW where Schm_code in (Select column_value from table(t_list(<<your list of codes>>))) group by schm_code 

In this example, for the sake of demonstration, Sql*plus has been used to execute a query and elements has been typed manually :

SQL> select first_name
  2       , last_name
  3    from employees t
  4   where t.employee_id in (select column_value
  5                             from table(t_list(&list))
  6                           );
Enter value for list: 100,200
old   5:                            from table(t_list(&list))
new   5:                            from table(t_list(100,200))

FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                                                  
-------------------- -------------------------                                  
111                  King                                                       
Jennifer             Whalen                                                     

SQL> select first_name
  2       , last_name
  3    from employees t
  4   where t.employee_id in (select column_value
  5                             from table(t_list(&list))
  6                           );
Enter value for list: 110,300,220
old   5:                            from table(t_list(&list))
new   5:                            from table(t_list(110,300,220))

FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME                                                  
-------------------- -------------------------                                  
John                 Chen  

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