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C# Regex Match 15 Characters, Single Spaces, Alpha-Numeric

I need to match a string under the following conditions using Regex in C#:

  1. Entire string can only be alphanumeric (including spaces).
  2. Must be a maximum of 15 characters or less (including spaces).
  3. First & last characters can only be a letter.
  4. A single space can appear multiple times in anywhere but the first and last characters of the string. (Multiple spaces together should not be allowed).
  5. Capitalization should be ignored.
  6. Should match the WHOLE word(s).

If any one of these preconditions are broken, a match should not follow.

Here is what i currently have:

^\b([A-z]{1})(([A-z0-9 ])*([A-z]{1}))?\b$

And here are some test strings that should match:

  • Stack OverFlow
  • Iamthe greatest
  • A
  • superman23s
  • One Two Three

And some that shouldn't match (note the spaces):

  • Stack [double_space] Overflow Rocks
  • 23Hello
  • ThisIsOver15CharactersLong
  • Hello23
  • [space_here]hey


Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

You should use lookaheads

                                                               |->matches if all the lookaheads are true
-------------------------------------- ----------  ----------
                 |                       |           |->checks if there are no two or more space occuring
                 |                       |->checks if the string is between 1 to 15 chars
                 |->checks if the string starts with alphabet followed by 1 to many requireds chars and that ends with a char that is not space

you can try it here

Try this regex: -

"^([a-zA-Z]([ ](?=[a-zA-Z0-9])|[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,13}[a-zA-Z])$"

Explanation : -

[a-zA-Z]    // Match first character letter

(                         // Capture group
    [ ](?=[a-zA-Z0-9])    // Match either a `space followed by non-whitespace` (Avoid double space, but accept single whitespace)
            |             // or
    [a-zA-Z0-9]           // just `non-whitespace` characters

){0,13}                  // from `0 to 13` character in length

[a-zA-Z]     // Match last character letter

Update : -

To handle single characters, you can make the pattern after 1st character optional as nicely pointed by @Rawling in comments: -

"^([a-zA-Z](([ ](?=[a-zA-Z0-9])|[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,13}[a-zA-Z])?)$"
         ^^^                                            ^^^
     use a capture group                           make it optional

And my version, again using look-aheads:

^(?=.{1,15}$)(?=^[A-Z].*)(?=.*[A-Z]$)(?![ ]{2})[A-Z0-9 ]+$


^               start of string
(?=.{1,15}$)    positive look-ahead: must be between 1 and 15 chars
(?=^[A-Z].*)    positive look-ahead: initial char must be alpha
(?=.*[A-Z]$)    positive look-ahead: last char must be alpha
(?![ ]{2})      negative look-ahead: string mustn't contain 2 or more consecutive spaces
[A-Z0-9 ]+      if all the look-aheads agree, select only alpha-numeric chars + space
$               end of string

This will also need the IgnoreCase option setting

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