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C# Regex to allow only alpha numeric

I have the following regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ which would allow alpha numeric characters. The problem here is that if I enter only numeric character like "897687", then the regex still matches. I don't want that to happen. There should be at least one text character and it should start with a text character. For example like "a343" or "a98bder" or "a4544fgf343"

It would be great if you could help me to improve my regex for this.



Just in case that the ASCII characters are at some point not enough, here the Unicode version:


\\p{L} is any Unicode code point that has the property letter ==> Any letter from any language (that is in Unicode)

\\p{N} is any Unicode code point that has the property number ==> Any number character from any language (that is in Unicode)


Should do the trick!

Alternatively, if you wish to include all alphanumeric plus an underscore you can use:


This function will return true or false based on whether the Regular Expression is matched or not,

   public static Boolean isAlphaNumeric(string strToCheck)
        Regex rg = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9\s,]*$");
        return rg.IsMatch(strToCheck);

Or slightly less verbose than the accepted answer:


C# regex has character class indicator "\\w" for alphanumeric characters, but does not have a character class for just alphabetic (no digits), hence you have to specify class set [a-zA-Z] manually.

This is the best solution to check alphanumeric,

  • if it is only string - "Error".
  • if it is only integer - "Error".
  • if it is alphanumeric -"Success".

     if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(txt.Text, @"[a-zA-Z]") && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(txt.Text, @"[0-9]") { // Success - It is alphanumric } else { // Error - It is not alphanumric } 

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