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EF4 var object mapping to DTO using valueinjecter

I have linQ query like the one below

 var records = (from P in Person
                join B in BankAccount
                on P.ID equals B.PersonID
                select new { P, B}).ToList();

The person table has a lot of fields but I need to only work with ID & Name. Similarly for BankAccount I only need to work with ID, AccountType and AccountBalance

I then pass the records var type as above to another mapper class with a method like so

    public List<CompositeDTO> MapToDto(IEnumerable<object> data)
        foreach (var rec in data) 
         dto.InjectFrom(rec );
        return dtoList;

Where CompositeDTO is as below

public class CompositeDTO 
  public int PersonID {get; set;}
  public String PersonName {get; set;}
  public int AccountID {get; set;}
  public String AccountType{get; set;}
  public int AccountBalance{get; set;}

The problem is I am not able to get any values into my object of type CompositeDTO using dto.InjectFrom(rec )

How should this be done? The documentation here only explained how to do it for one field from two different source classes. Have I missed something ? Can this be done?

As I read on this thread AutoMapper vs ValueInjecter :

you can also use ValueInjecter to map from anonymous and dynamic objects

And AFAIK it must be done without declaring any custom mapping, just by a convention, that must be available. checkout the documentation .

the target.InjectFrom(source) will take properties from source and inject them into target matching them by Name and Type

so in your case the source is an anonymous

   public Person P { get; set; }
   public BankAccount B { get; set; } 

and the target CompositeDTO doesn't has properties named P or B that are of type Person and BankAccount so there's no match

an example of something that will work:

 var source = new { PersonID = 7, PersonName = "Jon" }; var target = new CompositeDTO(); target.InjectFrom(source); 

I think AutoMapper does the job better here. I modified the map method using AutoMapper as below and it worked

public List<CompositeDTO> MapToDto(IEnumerable<object> data)
     dtoList = data.Select(Mapper.DynamicMap<CompositeDTO>).ToList();

    //foreach (var rec in data) 
    // dto.InjectFrom(rec );
    // dtoList.Add(dto);
    return dtoList;

All I needed to do was add the alias I used in the linQ query to the CompositeDTO 's property like so P_PersonID and B_AccountType

I think ValueInjecter should work on adding this feature. I really like not having to create a map before I use it like how it is done in AutoMapper currently for non-dynamic types. I am now using two different object mappers in my code. Is that bad?

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