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How to change TimeZone based on user TimeZone

I would like to use different TimeZone base on the User's TimeZone .

Question : Is there any feature to set default in JSF or Seam ? It will be effect the whole application.

I hope, the feature will be effect s:convertDateTime , f:convertDateTime , p:calendar , etc... every time I use without using timezone attribute.

I also tried to use Seam component TimeZoneSelector as below.

private TimeZoneSelector timeZoneSelector;

But, it does not effect on <f:convertDateTime pattern="hh:mm a"/> automatically. I have to retrieve TimeZone form backing bean again.

<f:convertDateTime pattern="hh:mm a" timeZone="#{mybean.timeZone}"/>

JSF does not have default special feature allows you this. You need to take the implementation of this functional.

1- create a default converter for java.util.Date

2- in the the getAsString and getAsObject have the converter retrieve the user timezone from the session

3- use SimpleDateFormat.setTimezone() before parsing/formatting

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