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PHP Regex match file or directory

Given a URL path, I am attempting to create a regular expression to match if the path points to a directory, and to not match if it points to file extensions .php, .js, .html, .htm, etc.





Do not match:


Do not match:


Here is my regex that I've been working with:


This regex does what I want, but it isn't precise enough. It assumes it is a path to a file and stops matching whenever it comes across a ".", but I need to consider the possibility that the directory name contains a ".", like in the example above.

I also tried using negative look behinds with no luck:


Since you're using PHP, you might want to try pathinfo instead:

$parts = pathinfo('/www/site/path/file.php');

In this case $parts['extension'] will exist, in other cases it will not.

try this tiny one:




replace or extend with the extensions you want to ignore.

To simplify your question, you are looking for a string starting with /, and the last segment doesn't have a extension:



This works for all your examples:


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