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Java escaping escape sequence

I want to escape escape sequences in a string.

Example: if I had a string whose contents were "\\n\s", I need to escape them in such a way that if I printed it to the command line, I would see

instead of:


I'll also be escaping double quotes (") and backslashes (\\), and I figured out an expression to escape those already:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([\"\\\\])");
String str = p.matcher("\"\n\u0073\\"").replaceAll("\\\\$1");

This yields me:


It doesn't take care of the escape sequences, though. What I want is:


What modifications do I need to make to escape the escape sequences?

You may use the StringEscapeUtils . There is method escapeJava() on it. Unfortunately, imo, there is no way to escape unicode literals like \s so for your example input "\\"\\n\s\\"" , StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("\\"\\n\s\\"") will return \\"\\ns\\"

Something like this?

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        System.out.println("= First try =");
        System.out.println("= Second try =");


Which will output this:

= First try =

= Second try =


How about something like this? It works 100%... the only weak point is that I have an explicit case for each character needed. I'm not sure if there's a way around that, although perhaps you could get around that by making a case for an entire range of characters. I don't think RegEx can match a character definition like \s , but I don't know for sure.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String unescaped = "\n\u0073";
    System.out.println("Version 1:\n" + unescaped);
    System.out.println("\nVersion 2:");

public static void printEscaped(String unescaped) {
    for (char c : unescaped.toCharArray()) {
        switch (c) {
            case ('\n'):
            case ('\u0073'):


Version 1:


Version 2:

Another potential problem for wider use is that it works on characters even if they weren't defined by escape sequence. For example, printEscaped("s") will print the same thing as printEscaped("\s") : they will both print \s . So you have to be careful to only call the method on strings where you are sure you want every character printed in "escape notation."

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