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Using a Qt GUI created by Qt Designer in Eclipse

i'm completely new to Qt but i managed to get some simple windows and frames to work. I'm running Eclipse on a 64 bit Kubuntu system. After editing my code in Eclipse, im running qmake and make from command line.

Yesterday i gave a try to Qt Designer, which works fine for me, compared to "hard-code" the widgets and buttons in eclipse. However, i won't switch to QT Creator because i'm very used to Eclipse.

My goal is to create the GUI in Qt Designer and use the generated code in Eclipse.

Running qmake -project, qmake and make generates a header file for my Mainwindow, containing the class code.

But when i try to include this header file in my Eclipse code, make stops with an error because g++ can't find the header file (seems the header has not been created yet).

I have to admit, im still confused about the Qt building process. So, how could i manage to design my GUI via Qt Designer and still use Eclipse as my coding IDE?

Greetings, lugge

Edit: My Eclipse Project is a "Empty Makefile Project". As far as i know, this means i have to take care of the whole build process. Eclipse wont do anything for me.

I have not tried running "make" from Eclipse because the Makefile has to be generated by qmake. Thus, after eiting and saving my code in Eclipse i run qmake and make from command line.

Qmake senses there is a .ui file and generates the header file for this class. Problem is if i try to include this header in Eclipse, my source code file can't be compiled.

For me it seems thats when "make" invokes g++ with my source code file, the header of the GUI has not been created.

So why am I doing it this way? Well, I don't want to be addicted to a IDE like Qt Creator or stuff. Because that means, everony trying to compile my project needs meta-informations such as a config-file or project-specific settings for that specific IDE.

In my C-projects i use a handwritten Makefile, so you just need to have GCC installed (which you usually have) and type "make".

I'm trying to get as close as possible to this with Qt-projects.

You need 4 things :

  • The .ui generated by Qt Designer

=> about.ui

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
<widget class="QDialog" name="Dialog">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="windowTitle">
<string>A Propos</string>
<layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>
  • The cpp / h associated with the .ui, for example this :

An about Window (about.cpp) =>

#include "about.h"
#include "ui_about.h"

About::About(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::About)

    delete ui;

(about.h) =>

#ifndef ABOUT_H
#define ABOUT_H

#include <QDialog>

namespace Ui {
    class About;

class About : public QDialog
    explicit About(QWidget *parent = 0);

    Ui::About *ui;

#endif // ABOUT_H

In the .pro file

SOURCES += about.cpp
HEADERS += about.h
FORMS   += about.ui

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