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Build error when trying to build the java portion of my project

After cloning the ringojs repository, i run in the directory:

ant jar

However, the build is failed with around 100 errors, here is some of them:


        [javac] Compiling 55 source files to /Users/ZConsulting/repos/ringojs/build/classes
        [javac] repos/ringojs/src/org/ringojs/engine/Callback.java:19: error: package org.mozilla.javascript does not exist
        [javac] import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
        [javac]                              ^
        [javac] repos/ringojs/src/org/ringojs/engine/Callback.java:20: error: package org.mozilla.javascript does not exist
        [javac] import org.mozilla.javascript.Function;
        [javac]                              ^
        [javac] repos/ringojs/src/org/ringojs/engine/Callback.java:21: error: package org.mozilla.javascript does not exist
        [javac] import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
        [javac]                              ^
        [javac] repos/ringojs/src/org/ringojs/engine/Callback.java:22: error: package org.mozilla.javascript does not exist
        [javac] import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
        [javac]                              ^
        [javac] repos/ringojs/src/org/ringojs/engine/RhinoEngine.java:19: error: package org.mozilla.javascript does not exist
        [javac] import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
        [javac]                              ^

repos/ringojs/build.xml:76: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

My context is building back end application on googleappengine for my project.

You will need apache ant and ivy installed. Ivy should download the rhino jar.

If ivy and ant are insalled do a

ant update
ant jar

This should help.

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