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URL syntax for connecting with server from the client side

I went around the Internet for this question and I just can't figure it out.

I am developing a Java Application on Netbeans and I'm connecting to the H2 Database Engine through Netbeans IDE. I am not interested in using the console.

The code to connect to H2 is as follows (from the client side):

Connection connt = null;
String url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://" + SERVER_IP + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "//C:/Databases/businessApp;";
connt = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "sa", "");

When the code reaches the .getConnection() method, it stays there and does nothing. I am almost sure that there is something wrong with the URL syntax.

SERVER_IP and SERVER_PORT are defined earlier and are not null.

I think semi colon(;) after "businessApp" is the culprit. Try after removing it.

I think the culpript is your final connection string which looks like


and h2 apparently doesn't recognize UNC paths.

The above under GNU/Linux instead would work because of the different convention used for paths:


The solution I found is to add a slash after the port number, your string would thus become:


this works both in Linux and Windows

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