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How to compare two strings assembly

Could anyone tell me how to compare two strings in assembly language, I`ve written the followign, but it does not seem to work.

assume cs:code, ds:data

data segment
sirlung db "abcdjjj"
lungimelung equ $-sirlung
sirscurt db "aby"
lungimescurt equ $-sirscurt
exista db "Exista!$"
nuexista db "NU exista!$"
iesire db "Apasa enter pentru iesire!$"

data ends

code segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax

mov bx,offset sirlung
mov di,offset sirscurt
dec bx
push bx
push di
mov dx,lungimelung
mov si,lungimescurt
    pop di
    pop bx
    inc bx
    mov al,sirlung[bx]
    mov cl,sirscurt[di]

    cmp al,cl
    jne bucla1
    push bx
    push di
    je bucla2
    cmp bx,dx
    ja sfarsit_nu_exista
    inc bx
    inc di
    mov al,sirlung[bx]
    mov cl,sirscurt[di]
    cmp al,cl
    jne bucla1      
    cmp di,si
    jl sfarsit_exista
    jae bucla2

mov dx,offset exista
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ah, 0ah
mov dx,offset iesire
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h

mov dx,offset nuexista
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ah, 0ah
mov dx,offset iesire
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h

code ends
end start

I had the same problem when I was writing asm in school, years ago. The problem I encountered was that I wanted to compare the word "exit" with a user entry. If they typed "exit", the application quit. If they typed anything else, then a message appeared telling them there was an erroneous entry.

The way I solved the issue was to compare the strings character-by-character, until the characters no longer matched, or vice-versa.

This also might be of some use. Here are some code examples relating to string comparison in assembly language: http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/assembly/threads/58667/assembly-language-comparing-strings

You might also want to look at this article relating to regular expressions (regex) in assembly language: Regular Expressions and Assembly

j is jump l is less e is equel if bl=a & bh=k here cmp is work like ak

if here 0 or less-equal value then jle work. then n will work. if positive value jle is not work.

cmp bl,bh jle n

mov ah,2 mov dl,bh int 21h

n: mov ah,2 mov dl,bl int 21h

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