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ORA-01843: not a valid month when insert a date in oracle

I'm trying to insert a row in oracle database and when i try with the date i have the errore in title. My date is DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS (example 25/01/2013 12:07:19 )

edit for better explain: i have an android application and want to insert a row in oracle database by php.
in Php i have:

$sqlString = sprintf("INSERT INTO GUASTI (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) 
                      VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"
                      ,'guasto','tipo','data', 'localita', 'indirizzo_id', 'utente_id',
                       $array['guasto'], $array['tipo'], $array['data'], $array['localita'], $idUtenti, $idIndirizzo);

where $array['data'] is 25/01/2013 12:07:19

ps i know that there are security problems there but it is not a problem for now.

MM is for month. Use MI for minutes.

You have


every time where the minutes are greater than 12 will trigger the error as you are telling Oracle to interpret them as months.

You are also using HH without am/pm (in your example you just used 12 ). If you are using a 24 format use HH24


or if you want the 12-hour format


and then

02/01/2013 07:42:00am


You are inserting the date with the default format which is MM/DD/YYYY (american standard): 25 is not a valid month. You can use the TO_DATE function

'TO_DATE(' . $array['data'] . ', DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS)'

使用TO_DATE('20 / 08/2012 09:00:00','DD / MM / YYYY HH24:MI:SS')插入日期以获取更多详细信息,请参阅链接Oracle错误

Just for more info:

The following pattern letters are defined (all other characters from 'A' to 'Z' and from 'a' to 'z' are reserved):

Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples

G   Era designator  Text    AD
y   Year    Year    1996; 96
Y   Week year   Year    2009; 09
M   Month in year (context sensitive)   Month   July; Jul; 07
L   Month in year (standalone form) Month   July; Jul; 07
w   Week in year    Number  27
W   Week in month   Number  2
D   Day in year Number  189
d   Day in month    Number  10
F   Day of week in month    Number  2
E   Day name in week    Text    Tuesday; Tue
u   Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday)    Number  1
a   Am/pm marker    Text    PM
H   Hour in day (0-23)  Number  0
k   Hour in day (1-24)  Number  24
K   Hour in am/pm (0-11)    Number  0
h   Hour in am/pm (1-12)    Number  12
m   Minute in hour  Number  30
s   Second in minute    Number  55
S   Millisecond Number  978
z   Time zone   General time zone   Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00
Z   Time zone   RFC 822 time zone   -0800
X   Time zone   ISO 8601 time zone  -08; -0800; -08:00

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