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convert objective C protocol to equivalent in c++

i am porting a game from Obj-C to C++. And stuck where I have to convert Obj-C protocol to equivalent in C++. I am confused what should be the right way to achieve same functionality in C++.

Please advise.

@protocol A <NSObject>

    -(void) B:(NSObject*)data;


@interface callBack: NSObject
    id<A*> delegate;

You can achieve something similar to a protocol making a class with pure virtual methods. Conforming to that protocol will require to override such methods.

The "protocol" declaration

class ImageDelegate {
        virtual void getImage(UIImage *) = 0;

Then refer to ImageDelegate* as you would do with id<ImageDelegate>

class ResInfoCallback : public NSObject {
       ImageDelegate *delegate;

Finally you need a class implementing the "protocol", which means overriding the pure virtual methods of the "protocol" class.

class YourClassConformingToTheProtocol : public ImageDelegate {
        virtual void getImage(UIImage *image) {
            //do stuff

As a final remark PLEASE use capitalized names for classes.

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