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DELETE FROM where ID = 'user inserted text'?

I want to delete MySQL rows where id = user inserted text into jTextField in Java. I know I need to use something like txtGebruikersID.getText(); but not sure how to combine them correctly so that when someone inserts like 25 in JTextField (txtGebruikersID) that value of 25 goes where the 25 is in:

query = "delete from gebruiker where gebruiker_ID = 25";

Code I use in QueryManager.java:

public void removeGebruiker() {
        String query;
        query = "delete from gebruiker where gebruiker_ID = 25";

JTextField is called txtGebruikersID

And code I use in userPanel.java:

private void removeUserActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Gebruiker is verwijderd", "Gebruiker", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

You should do something like this. This is more preferred way on working with sqls

query = "delete from gebruiker where gebruiker_ID = ?";
PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement(query); // con is active connection

What is SQL Injection"

Edit the function to something like this:

public void removeGebruiker(String gebruiker_id) {
    //Some checks here perhaps
    String query;
    query = "delete from gebruiker where gebruiker_ID = " + gebruiker_id;

Assuming you have a panel,


If the user puts 12 into the textfield the resulting query will be:

delete from gebruiker where gebruiker_ID = 12

Nevertheless there are better ways to do this. Prepared statements are indeed better. If you do use this method make sure to check the input from the user.

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