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Java Metronome with High Speeds

as an excercise I'm trying to create a metronome with Java using Thread.sleep as a timer and JMF for sounds. It's working out quite well but for some reason JMF seems to be only playing sounds at a maximum of 207 beats per minute.

From my Metronome-class:

public void play() {

From my SoundPlayer-class:

public void play() {
    new Thread(new ThreadPlayer()).start();

private class ThreadPlayer implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        player.setMediaTime(new Time(0));

I've made SoundPlayer.play() work as a thread to test if it would make a difference, but it's not. I can easily change tempos up to about 207bpm but even if I set my timer to 1000bpm the sounds aren't played any faster than about 207bpm .

I've put the System.out.println("Click"); inside my ThreadPlayer.run() to check if my loop is working correctly – it is.

The issue seems to be with my implementation of JMF. I'm pretty sure there is a simple solution, can anybody help me out?

Thank you so much for your help! :)

The answer about Thread.sleep() being unreliable is correct: you can't count on it to return in exactly the amount of time you specify. In fact, I'm rather surprised your metronome is usable at all, especially when your system is under load. Read the docs for Thread.sleep() for more details. Max Beikirch's answer about MIDI is a good suggestion: MIDI handles timing very well.

But you ask how to do this with audio. The trick is to open an audio stream and fill it with silence between the metronome clicks and insert the metronome clicks where you want. When you do that, your soundcard plays back the samples (whether they contain a click or silence) at a constant rate. The key here is to keep the audio stream open and never close it. The clock, then, is the audio hardware, not your system clock -- a subtle but important distinction.

So, let's say you are generating 16 bit mono samples at 44100 Hz. Here is a function that will create a click sound at the requested rate. Keep in mind that this click sound is bad for speakers (and your ears) so if you actually use it, play it at a low volume. (Also, this code is untested -- it's just to demonstrate the concept)

int interval = 44100; // 1 beat per second, by default
int count = 0;
void setBPM( float bpm ) {
    interval = ( bpm / 60 ) * 44100 ;
void generateMetronomeSamples( short[] s ) {
    for( int i=0; i<s.length; ++i ) {
       s = 0;
       if( count == 0 ) {
          s = Short.MAX_VALUE;
       if( count == interval ) {
          count = 0;

Once you set the tempo with setBPM, you can play back the samples generated by calling the the generateMetronomeSamples() function repeatedly, and streaming that output to your speakers using JavaSound. (see JSResources.org for a good tutorial)

Once you have that working, you could replace the harsh click with a sound you get from a WAV or AIFF or a short tone or whatever.

Take your time and take a look at MIDI! - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/it/it-0801art38/ or http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/sound/TOC.html . It's the best solution for everything related to computer made sound.

My assumption would be, and maybe someone else can jump in here, is that thread running times are up to the whims of the thread scheduler. You can't guaranty how long it will take for the JVM to get back to that thread. Also, seeing as the JVM is running as a process on the machine, and is subject to the OS's process scheduler, you are looking at at least two levels of unpredictability.

Just like Jamie Duby said, just because you tell the Thread to sleep 1 millisecond, doesn't mean that it will get called back at exactly one millisecond. The ONLY guarantee is that AT LEAST one millisecond has passed since you called Thread.sleep();. In reality, the processor cannot process the code fast enough to play a beep sound every millisecond, which is why you see the delay. If you want a dramatic example, make a home-made timer class and try making it count one millisecond for a full minute, you will see that the timer is off by quite a bit.

The person who really deserves the answer credit here is Max Beikrich, Midi is the only way you are going to be able to produce the output you are looking for.

I have far more experience as a musician than a programmer but I just finished a metronome application I started a while back, I had put the project on hold for a while because I couldn't figure out why I was having the same problem you are. Yes Thread.sleep() can be unreliable but I'm managed to make a good metronome using that method.

I saw you mentioned trying an ExecutorService I don't think using concurrent classes will solve your problem. My guess is its a system resource issue, I'm pretty certain MIDIs are the way to go with a metronome. I force my students to practice with a metronome and I've used many, I haven't ever been too concerned with the audio quality of the ticks, timing is far more important and MIDIs are going to be much faster than any other audio file. I used the javax.sound.midi library from the Sound API. I suspect that will solve your problem.

You may notice your ticks are uneven when it works properly, this is due to the Thread.sleep() method not being very reliable. How I solved that problem was by doing all my calculations in nanoseconds using the System.nanoTime() method instead of the System.currentTimeMillis() method, just don't forget to convert back to milliseconds before passing the sleep time into the Thread.sleep() method.

I don't want to post the code for my metronome here in case you want to figure it out on your own but if you'd like to see it just send me an e-mail kevin.bigler3@gmail.com and I'd be happy to send it to you. Good luck.

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