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Remove char at specific index - python

I have a string that has two "0" (str) in it and I want to remove only the "0" (str) at index 4

I have tried calling.replace but obviously that removes all "0", and I cannot find a function that will remove the char at position 4 for me.

Anyone have a hint for me?


newstr = oldstr[:4] + oldstr[5:]

as a sidenote, replace doesn't have to move all zeros. If you just want to remove the first specify count to 1:




This is my generic solution for any string s and any index i :

def remove_at(i, s):
    return s[:i] + s[i+1:]


''.join([_str[i] for i in xrange(len(_str)) if i  != 4])

Slicing works (and is the preferred approach), but just an alternative if more operations are needed (but then converting to a list wouldn't hurt anyway):

>>> a = '123456789'
>>> b = bytearray(a)
>>> del b[3]
>>> b
>>> str(b)
rem = lambda x, unwanted : ''.join([ c for i, c in enumerate(x) if i != unwanted])
rem('1230004', 4)

Try this code:

s = input() 
a = int(input()) 
b = s.replace(s[a],'')
def remove_char(input_string, index):
    first_part = input_string[:index]
    second_part - input_string[index+1:]
    return first_part + second_part

s = 'aababc'
index = 1

zero-based indexing

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