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PHP Create a Tree view using two tables

i have two mysql tables

  1. questions
  2. answers 

the question table has question and answer table has related answers each answer point to a question so it has levels


question 1 -> answer 1 -> question 2
           -> answer 2 -> question 3
           -> answer 3 -> question 4 -> answer 1 -> question 5
                                     -> answer 2 -> question 6
                                     -> answer 3 -> question 7
question 8 -> answer 1 -> question 9
           -> answer 2 -> question 10-> answer 1 ->question 12
                                        answer 2 ->question 13
           -> answer 3 -> question 11 

i need to show questions as tree view


question 1->question2
            question4->question 5
                       question 6
                       question 7
question 8->question 9
            question 10->question 12
                         question 13
            question 11

my question table fields are

id  qtype   qtext

my answeres table fields are

id  answer  quzid   targetquz

Anyone know how to create a treeview using php based on this two tables. thank you very much.

Hope I'm not misunderstanding things here (not sure if you have intentionally question pointing to answer then to another question without any answer); but generally speaking I would use while loop.

{ first level here
{ second level here
{ third level here

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