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Using namespace as type error

I am currently translating my java game engine into c#. Every thing is fine until I started writing the package com.gej.graphics . In c#, I wrote it like this.

namespace GECS.Graphics {}

But compiler says this error.

'GECS.Graphics' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' (CS0118)
   - C:\Users\sr....ECS\Core\Game.cs:33,36

This is the text containing at the line

public virtual void Render(Graphics g) {}

The actual Graphics class is from System.Drawing .

My requirement is that this class is to be extended by users and hence they should have no conflicts with it.


You can access your class with the Namespace as:

public virtual void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g) { }

Since there is a conflict in names of your namespace and Graphics class, you may consider naming your namespace different, or you can always use the fully quilified name.

public virtual void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g) {}


Avoid to create namespace which can conflict with standart namespaces. I your case you should use System.Drawing.Graphics name entirely, to avoid conflicts with GECS.Graphics .

Another solution could be using directive to create an alias for a namespace or a type.

For example:

using DrawingGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics;


public virtual void Render(DrawingGraphics  g) 

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