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Batch File Issue - Save Input To Text With Spaces

I'm trying to make a helpful batch file for work and for it, I'm trying to input notes/text to a .txt file via a variable. It works great with just entering text without spaces (ex: "test"), but once you type something with at least 1 space in it, the cmd closes out. (ex: "test test") I can't figure out why this is happening so I'm left with you guys here. Any/all help would be appreciated!

@echo off

color 9F
title Notes

del %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt
echo Issue/Request: >> %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt


echo ================== Notes =================
type %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt
echo ==========================================

set /p NotesEnter=Enter Notes: 

set NewNote="%NotesEnter%"

if %NotesEnter% == CLS goTo :CLS

echo %NotesEnter% >> "%UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt"

goTo :StartCallNotes

del %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt
echo Issue/Request: >> "%UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt"
goTo :StartCallNotes


I think the problem is when you compare the user's input with CLS. Try to put quotes in %NotesEnter% when compare the value like this :

@echo off

color 9F
title Notes

del %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt
echo Issue/Request: >> %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt


echo ================== Notes =================
type %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt
echo ==========================================

set /p NotesEnter=Enter Notes: 

set NewNote="%NotesEnter%"

REM if user doesn't input the value echo a new line
if "%NotesEnter%" == "" echo. >> "%UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt"

if "%NotesEnter%" == CLS goTo :CLS

if NOT "%NotesEnter%" == "" echo %NotesEnter% >> "%UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt"

REM reset the variable value
set NotesEnter=

goTo :StartCallNotes

del %UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt
echo Issue/Request: >> "%UserProfile%\Documents\Notes.txt"
goTo :StartCallNotes


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